News, Photos & Up-Comming Events of the CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes Sales & Marketing Team

Monday, January 16, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI is right around the corner, and so is the CENTURY 21® Super Bowl Commercial!

For the first time in the 40-year history of our brand, we will air a commercial during the most watched television event of the year.

The Super Bowl has a unique place in American television: when the commercials air, viewers actually start paying more attention to the broadcast. Did you know that over 111 million people are expected to watch this year's Super Bowl, and I hope you will be watching and see CENTURY 21 Agents right in the middle of it!

On February 5th, tune in to your local NBC station to watch as CENTURY 21 Real Estate takes a new place in history! We are sponsoring a full half-hour segment in pre-game, and we air 11 pre-game commercials during that day. And of course, as our finale, our special :30 Super Bowl commercial will air in the 3rd quarter of the game itself.

Don’t forget to watch and vote for us! You’ll see exactly how to cast your vote for your favorite commercial on Super Bowl Sunday at

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Monrovia, California, United States