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Monday, June 4, 2012

Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

Whether you are a garden novice or a seasoned green thumb expert, avoid common gardening mistakes with 
these tips

  1. Pay attention to your property. Observe what areas receive the most sunlight and if there are areas that are often shaded throughout the day. Is there an area that collects an excess of water?
  2. Read care instructions on trees, shrubs and plants. Learn and adhere to proper spacing instructions. Remember, spacing may seem excessive at first, but as plants grow and flourish they will increase in size and require adequate space.
  3. Take pictures of your space and bring them to your local nursery with your notes and observations of sun exposure. The experts may have some advice and ideas for what will thrive and complement your yard.
  4. Install an irrigation system in your yard or be vigilant about watering plant roots according to necessary specifications. This is especially important in the early stages to ensure the plants take root.
  5. Landscaping and upkeep can be time consuming and expensive. Choose plant life that will not break your budget, this may entail landscaping your space in stages.

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