- Ten-year expiration. While you are going from room to room to update your clocks, check all the smoke detectors. Detectors should be located on every level of your home and be no more than ten years old. Replace all batteries and test each unit.
- Five-year expiration. Check all CO detectors. The US Product Consumer Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends replacing any units that are more than 5 years old. Sensors lose effectiveness after 5 years. Again, replace the batteries and test each unit.
- Check the gauges on any fire extinguishers in your house or vehicle to make sure it is still functional. Replace if the inspection tag is expired or missing, the locking pin is damaged or missing, or if the handle or nozzle is broken or cracked.
- Be prepared. Daylight saving-time is an ideal opportunity to update your emergency kit. Dispose and replace any outdated food, batteries, or medicine. Make sure your kit has enough food and water for three days.
- On the go. Check your car-emergency kit. In addition to jumper cables and flashlights, consider some cold weather gear and water.
- Spring is the perfect time to go over an emergency plan with your family. Designate a safe meeting place and evacuation routes in the event of a fire.
If you desire more information about this topic or any of our others on our blog, please contact our team or Real Estate professionals at 626-358-
1858 or 626-963-7621.
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