News, Photos & Up-Comming Events of the CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes Sales & Marketing Team

Monday, July 27, 2009

Merger News: CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes Team Continues to Grow

The management at The management at CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes is thrilled to announce the merger of the CENTURY 21 Premier team into its real estate family.

The announcement was made during the company's Friday marketing meeting where company agents and staff typically meet to discuss the week's business.The merger is a strategic move to strengthen the outreach of CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes' real estate services in the San Gabriel Valley.

“As respected and innovated real estate brokerage companies in their own right, the coming together of these companies means a heightened level of service for area home buyers, sellers and owners,” said Tom Adams, Broker/Owner of CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes.

The announcement comes at a time when real estate sales continue to climb (20.1% Increase in June 09) despite the economic challenges facing the nation.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Seis consejos para una mudanza tranquila.

Es bien sabido que mudarse puede ser una de las experiencias más mortificantes en la vida. Pero no tiene que ser así. Con algo de planeación anticipada, organizacion y atención al detalle, una mudanza puede ser relativamente libre de estrés. He aquí algunos consejos:

Contraten con una agencia de mudanzas acreditada. Una agencia acreditada les da tranquilidad. No contraten con la primera que encuentren, ni con la más barata. Una agencia de mudanzas inepta les puede salir más cara si al final se pierden o se rompen cosas. Verifiquen cuidadosamente las referencias y consulten con la oficina local de Better Business Bureau para ver si hay quejas.

Programen un calendario de actividades. De ser posible, comiencen elaborando una lista de chequeo al menos dos meses antes de la mudanza. Entre más organizados estén, menos detalles se les van a pasar por alto y tendrán menos tensión, especialmente cuando se aproxima la mudanza y el tiempo apremia.

Marquen apropiadamente las cajas. Marquen apropiadamente cada caja con su contenido y la habitación a la que debe ir; así ahorran tiempo y las cajas llegan al sitio correcto.

Desháganse de lo que no necesitan. Deshacerse antes de la mudanza de lo que no van a necesitar en su nueva casa les trae varias ventajas: ahorran tiempo empacando, eliminan desorden y pueden hacerse a algún dinero si hacen una venta de garaje.

Tengan accesorios en abundancia. No hay nada más estresante que quedarse sin cajas o sin cinta de empacar en el último momento. Tengan a la mano el equipo necesario en cantidad suficiente.

Registren tempranamente su cambio de dirección. Registrar la forma de cambio de dirección antes de mudarse les puede ahorrar dolores de cabeza en cuentas no pagadas, desconexión de servicios, y hasta robo de identidad. No olviden programar las fechas de suspensión de servicios públicos, y cerciórense de que estos servicios les sean instalados a tiempo en su nueva casa. Muchas empresas no permiten hacer estos cambios por internet.

Llámenos al 626.675.0658 y con gusto les daremos más consejos para una mudanza tranquila y los pondremos en contacto con agencias de mudanzas acreditadas.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dante Underwood Completes CENTURY 21 Fine Homes & Estates Training Course

Monrovia , CA (Grassroots Newswire) July 2009 -- Realizing that real estate education needs to be a career-long endeavor for today's real estate professional, CENTURY 21 Century 21 Adams & Barnes is proud to announce that Dante Underwood , REALTOR with the company's Monrovia office recently added the "Luxury Home Specialist" designation to Dante's professional offerings by completing the CENTURY 21 Fine Homes & Estates program's proprietary agent training course.

Dante successfully completed this online course which is offered exclusively through the CENTURY 21 Learning System educational platform. The course offered Dante strategies for prospecting clientele, and for recognizing relevant market trends influencing the purchase and sale of luxury property. The online course also instructed Dante on how to effectively market high-end homes using the CENTURY 21 Fine Homes & Estates program.

"Through the CENTURY 21 Fine Homes & Estates program’s agent training course, I have empowered myself to engage the luxury home market, and have expanded my knowledge while helping to ensure that CENTURY 21 Century 21 Adams & Barnes clients receive the professional real estate services they expect and deserve," said Dante Underwood

CENTURY 21 Century 21 Adams & Barnes is a full service real estate brokerage company specializing in Luxury Home properties, located at 433 W.Foothill Blvd in Monrovia, CA. Contact Dante today at 626.358.1858 for more information.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is Buying a Bank Owned Home Right for You?

Barely a day goes by without the media reporting on the flood of foreclosures taking place across the United States. According to a RealtyTrac press release issued earlier this year, one in 374 houses in the U.S. received a foreclosure filing in April, the highest monthly rate since the company began tracking in 2005.

But instead of seeing doom and gloom from these numbers, many view foreclosures as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy bank-owned properties at below-market rates.

Some seek to buy in bulk, and they often get the best deals. Individual purchasers may find foreclosures to be a bit more challenging. “The only way to pick up these properties for cents on the dollar is to have cash upfront and buy a minimum of about 10 properties,” said Manny Alvarez, a CENTURY 21 system member. “For individual purchasers, banks don’t like to go below 7 percent of the market price within the first 30 days of their listing.”

Still, Alvarez said there are deals to be had—and discounts do vary throughout the nation.

Here are some tips for buying a foreclosure:

- Make sure you have the cash not only for the purchase but for any repairs required after you close—these properties are often distressed and require extensive repairs, Alvarez said. Plus, traditional financing may not be available.

- View the house in person, and get it inspected.
- Don’t make an unreasonable offer. Many banks are getting multiple offers now, and your offer can be rejected before you have a chance to increase it.

If you’re interested in a foreclosure, it’s essential to work with an experienced agent who can negotiate aggressively with the bank. Our team at CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes has worked with bank owned homes and have the know-how to help you take advantage of this unique market place.

About CENTURY 21 Adams & Barnes

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Monrovia, California, United States