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Monday, July 9, 2012

Tips Before You Move

Your property is sold and you are preparing to move. As you leave, try and keep the new owners in mind. Here are a few tips that are mutually beneficial to you and the new owners.
  1. Notify your creditors and magazine subscriptions of your new address so you don’t miss an issue or bill. Just in case, you may want to leave a forwarding address to the new owners for any subsequent mail addressed to you.
  2. Contact your utility companies (electric, water, gas, water, cable, telephone and internet) two weeks before you move and set an exact date to cut off service. Have your account information ready when you call. It would be courteous to leave the new owners a list of providers to simplify their transition.
  3. Update your driver’s license, car registration and voter registration within a month of the move. Consider leaving information such as your property’s designated voting zone for the new owners.
  4. Whether you clean your property yourself or hire professionals, leave it clean and free of debris. Remember, this is an exciting time for the new owners and a positive last impression goes a long way.
  5. Alert pool cleaners, garbage pickup, landscapers and any other companies that perform frequent maintenance of your home of your impending move. Give their contact information to the new owners.
  6. Leave your house keys, garage and/or alarm codes in addition to any appliance manuals for the new owners.
  7. Instead of discarding replacement tile or paint, leave these items for the new owners.

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