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Monday, August 6, 2012

First things to do after buying a new home.

You closed on your new property. The boxes are off of the moving truck, the furniture is in the right rooms and you are wondering what to do first. Here is a checklist of important tasks that are high priority.

  • Test the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Install new alarms or change the batteries if necessary.
  • Establish an escape plan and safe meeting place with your family in the event of a fire.
  • Make sure you know where the main water, gas and electrical shutoff valves are, in case of an emergency such as a burst pipe or gas leak.
  • Determine which outlets serve which circuits and then label the breakers.
  • Change the alarm system code, garage code, and any other password-sensitive devices.
  • Change all of the locks and make a few sets of spare keys.
  • Update your car insurance, driver’s license and voter registration to reflect your change of address.
  • Have all your mail and magazine subscriptions forwarded to your new address. Keep a close eye on your bank accounts and credit cards, because during a move you are especially susceptible to identity theft if mail is not delivered to your current address.
  • Unpack any and all medication that may be needed. Also, make sure you have a first aid kit readily available and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen pantry.
  • Add any child locks that are necessary, on toilets, kitchen appliances, medicine cabinets, and any doors that lead outside. Do not forget to place child safety gates and safety plugs in outlets if you have small children.
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